Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sourdough Hamburger Buns


1/4  C sourdough starter
3 C flour
1 C + 1 tbsp water 
3 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
Garlic powder to taste

Mix starter, flour, 1 C water, sugar, and salt  until dough  comes  together.  Will need hands  to complete.
Proof 30min.
Stretch and  fold.
Repeat proof/stretch and fold process 2 more times.
Form dough into tight ball and oil.
Cover and  proof until doubled, about 6 hours.
Divide into 6 portions and form into balls.
Proof til puffy, about 2  hours.
Mix remaining tbsp water with egg and brush top of all buns.
Sprinkle garlic powder across the top
Bake at 375 F for 25min

Stretch and fold: Lift the dough up on one side, stretching upward, then 'punch' into center of dough.  turn dough 90 degrees and repeat until done 4 times.
I use a silicone hamburger bun pan after forming into balls, just to get the right shape.
Original recipe called for sesame seeds, but one member of our family can't eat them, so switched to garlic powder.